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Your appointment - what to expect

If this is your first visit to our Laser Clinic and you have an appointment, here is what to expect:

As you arrive, there is no need to sign in with our secretary; just take a seat in our waiting room and our doctors will call you up. Usually, you will not have to wait for more than 15 minutes.

In your consultation with your doctor you will receive detailed information on the planned therapy and treatment alternatives as well as expeceted costs.
During your course of treatment, we are always there for you, so please don't hesitate to ask anything you would like to know.

We are open to any suggestions or complaints you might have and also have set up a 'box for suggestions' („Patienten-Kummerkasten“) in our hallway.

Information booklets on laser therapy and the lasers we use are available in the foyer of the waiting area. Additional information can be found on the following website www.ddl.de.
We have also prepared a special sheet of information for you; please check our Merkblatt