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The pulsed dye laser

The flash-lamp pulsed dye laser (wavelength 577 or 585 nm, 200 - 450 msec pulse length) emits yellow light and is especially suitable for the so-called selective photothermolysis of vascular changes of the skin.
The term selective photothermolysis implies thatdue to its physical parameters, thie laserlight targets only the red blood cells, thus destroying blood vessels while sparing the surrounding skin, leaving it unharmed. Thus treatment causes no scarring.

The pulsed dye laser has revolutinoized the treatment of port-wine stains and hemangiomas. The laser was invented in 1966 and has been used all over Germany since 1994. Various companies nowadays manufacture and sell such lasers.

It is important to treat vascular lesions such as port-wine stains or hemangiomas in early childhood (preferebly as babies), to prevent stigmatization later in life and stop further growth of the lesions.

A new development is the long-pulse pulsed dye laser. These lasers allow targeting lager blood vessels (up to 1mm in diameter), and are thus suitable for the scarless treatment of couperosis and idiopathic telangiectasias on the legs. Also tratement for ceratin other vascular changes in the skin might be improved.