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laser safety and risk of the application of lasers on human skin

Recommendations of the Commission for protection against irradiation (Strahlenschutzkommission, SSK)

Passed at the 169. meeting of the SSK on Oct. 31st, 2000.
Published April 18th, 2001 in Band 46 of the series on  „Veröffentlichungen der Strahlenschutzkommission“

Current publications (guidelines for the application of laser and HBL-treatment of the skin for medical and aesthetic indications, October 2006): Recommendation for Laser and Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Therapy in Dermatology

Short Information

Lasersystems are being very successfully used in the medical field for various therapeutic and diagnostic purposes. Certain therapies, espacially for dermatologic diseases and skin conditions have only become possible by the application of lasers.

The expansion of their possible applications, easy application mode and low price have led to the use of lasers for a multitude of cosmetic purposes such as hair removal, treatment of wrinkles and pigment aberrations or removal af tatoos. Nowadays, laser might even be found at cosmetic institutes or at the hairdresser.

This resulted in a dangerous development of application of potent lasers (class 4) without proper knowledge on the exact mode of action and potential health risks of the so treated individuals. Often necessary precautions to avert such risks are missing.

Users of lasers are currently not bound by any legal regulations to prove their qualification for using a laser or to demonstrate their competence as far a safety measures are concerned. 

The Commission for protection against irradiation (SSK) highlights with its current recommendation the potential risks for people who undergo cosmetic laser therapy and asserts claims to prevent potential health risks.

The main claim consists of establishing legal regulations to ensure that the application of lasers on human skin is carried out exclusively by an especially trained medical doctor. Only such a doctor may decide upon the indications for the use of lasers on human skin and only he can, in case of suspicious skin lesions, initiate further diagnostic procedures.

Allso cosmetic skin therapy by lasers should only be carried out by specially trained doctors; Users of lasers in hairstudios and beauty parlors generally lack this specific knowledge.

 Empfehlungen der Strahlenschutzkommission des Bundesumweltministeriums (211 KB)

(Recommendations of the Commission for protection against irradiation )